“Nightshade” by New Atrophy, featuring Myles Willis on percussion and Harry Brown on bass guitar. This piece is partially improvised and based on the interplay of how each performer shifts the dynamic, drawing on concepts derived from the non-idiomatic free improvisation of Supersilent and Anthony Braxton, along with the experimental rock-fused improvisations of Storm & Stress and artists from the New York No Wave scene.
“lightning tongue” from the record “Son Vae”. My compositions rely heavily on usage of odd time signatures, often employing the idiosyncrasies of each unique rhythm to articulate concepts in ways no standard rhythmic device could. This song in particular employs a varied fingerpicking method switching from patterns of 15/8 to 9/8, with a section in 13/8. “&nts”, a piece I’m composing for my group New Atrophy, holds down a 5/8 pattern with two alternating sections descending from 3 to 2 to 1 in the number of how many times each section is subsequently repeated.
“Wildflower” for Strings and Piano
“Prophet” for Guitar, Strings, Voice
“Vice”, for Acoustic Guitar, Voice
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